My cousin/college roommate/best friend since baby-hood and her husband just had their first child in October. Babies are great in general, but this baby is by far my favorite. I'm going to miss his huge, kissable marshmallow cheeks, perpetually concerned and surprised expressions, and Flipper imitations (I'm not sure why, but the kid sounds like a dolphin). By the time I get home he'll have aged 400% and will look like a completely different human. Hopefully his arms will be more in proportion to his head. It makes me sad that I'll miss all the fun first-year stuff. And I'm going to miss seeing my best friends act like parents.
My Parents
My parents have taken me in after every epic failure of my short life and given me a place to stay until I can plan and execute a new potentially epic failure. And while moving home after college and living with the folks isn't very cool, I think I've found a utopian balance of maximum freedom and minimum responsibility. I've somehow convinced my parents that my life is in some semblance of control, and they seem to trust that I'm not going to do anything too life-alteringly crazy, so they give me my space and let me do my thing...with their car, their insurance, their house, their food, and sometimes even their money. My mom still gets up at 6:00 every morning to make me tea and honey toast so I don't rush to work without breakfast. Every year when summer fades and I start complaining about the temperature, flannel sheets and a space heater magically appear in my room. When I forget to finish my laundry (which happens approximately twice a week) I find it dried and neatly folded on my bed. Despite the fact that both my parents are busier, older, achier and harder-working than I am, I can easily score a back, neck, or foot massage by whining that I've had a long day. If I don't like what Gragg is watching on his huge flat-ish screen TV he'll usually change the channel for me. When I procrastinate studying until a few days before a big test and then freak out, pull an all-nighter, and have a complete emotional breakdown, they'll chauffeur me to school so I can study for an extra 15 minutes in the car. I'm just not going to get service like this on the road.

My Brother
No matter how poor he is, he'll always buy me a chai. I'm going to miss his random quirks and brooding philosophical nature.

My Dog
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. The world's most perfect cat-dog. I can just picture her now, rubbing herself along the entire length of the couch, half-sighing and half-grunting, trying to get someone to pet her or give her a scrap of food. So timid that she's scared of puppies, and so good-natured that when grumpy Sam, the crazy shadow-watching border collie, snaps at her, Daisy thinks Sam wants to play. Ignorant in the most endearing possible way, simple, loyal, easy to please.
The Weddings of the Century
My cousin Winter and his fiancee Mary are tying the knot next summer, and I'm so bummed I won't be there :( And now another cousin, Kylee, is engaged and I'll probably miss that, too. And another cousin, Ashley, is prego. So much going on this year.
More Family and Friends
Neala, Gwen, Laura, Diana, and others who I don't see as much but always mean to visit. Matthew, Nicole and the girls. Camping trips in Wyoming with the family next year. All the boys that spin me around until I'm sick at salsa dancing Tuesday nights. Troy and his terrifying mopeds. The awesome people at my job. Not that I spend much time with anyone right now because I'm inherently introverted and perpetually busy, but I like knowing I could if I wanted to, and it's sad that option won't be available next year. Luckily Danielle fulfills a sizable chunk of my emotional needs.
The Rocky Mountains
Beautiful as well as utilitarian. Probably won't know which way is west anywhere in the world except here.
My Job
Not very glamorous, but I can honestly say I'm going to miss the gig and the incredible people I worked with. Nurses are the best people on earth.
Not very glamorous, but I can honestly say I'm going to miss the gig and the incredible people I worked with. Nurses are the best people on earth.
Summer Time
We're probably coming home in August/September, meaning I'm going to miss my favorite season here.
My Life
But it'll be nice to take a break from it for a while.
But it'll be nice to take a break from it for a while.