
Photo of the Month

This photo is so hilarious that it inspired a new blog tradition of photo of the month. What makes this so hilarious is that it was completely unprovoked and unplanned and we were not even aware of it until later when looking through our photos. It reminds me of when I was in my film class in high school and would play with the jog-shuttle button (a highly sensative and controlable fast forward buttom used for making perfect film cuts) to see how many contortions our face could make in the space of one word. When we would happen upon a really good one we would pause the image and call our friends over to laugh and point. So Bill, please forgive us as we call all our friends over to laugh and point, but your face wins!!! PS we love you!!

In fact, it is worth noting how much we really do love Bill and Jan, our coordinators at Rose Charities. Aside from having two new idols, and a plethora of projects we want to help with, we also have two new friends. Upon arriving at Rose Charities we soon found out that the doctor on duty, who was meant to take us around while we were here, was at the last minute called to help out with a big important project during our whole stay. So Jan and Bill didn't skip a beat and have managed to find things for us to do daily, including but not limited to watching live eye surgeries up close, watching the delivery of afterbirth and post delivery stitching, going on physical therapy rounds in the countryside to do impromptu art therapy, hooking us up with people to give us tours through orphanages, but mostly inspiring us with their amazing attitudes and life full of work and help. They are the kind of people who want to help, have ideas, and do them. I am proud to have met them and hope to be able to take a piece of their goodness with me. Thank you Bill and Jan!!

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